How can i find out more about the curriculum offered at Dental Assistant Academy of Palm Beach FL?

The curriculum includes content on general studies, biomedical, dental and clinical sciences, clinical practice, and additional intraoral clinical functions. The curriculum of an accredited the dental care program at Dental Assistant Academy of Palm Beach FL must include a minimum of 900 hours of instruction, including 300 hours of clinical practice. Immediately after graduating from an accredited program, you are eligible to take the certified dental assistant (CDA) exam awarded by the National Board of Dental Assistance (DANB). If your goal is to move from dental care to a career in dental hygiene, you may be able to apply some of your education or professional experience to the dental hygiene program at Dental Assistant Academy of Palm Beach if they offer credit for your previous learning and experience.

We understand that behind every dental care student, there is a teacher who is dedicated to their success. An associate degree combines training in dental care with core college courses for a comprehensive education. Regardless of where they are located, most online dental assistance programs allow you to complete laboratory requirements at locations in your area. A dental care certification program is best for students who want to enter the labor market as soon as possible.

If your goal is to move from dental care to a career in dental hygiene, you can usually transfer courses from one accredited school to another. Whether you choose to pursue a diploma program or an associate's degree, make sure your education qualifies you to work as a dental assistant in your state. The Dental Accreditation Commission (CODA) is the organization responsible for accrediting dental assistant programs in Palm Beach FL. The DALE Foundation is here to help, with online courses, practice tests and other resources to complement the curriculum of your dental assistance program and support student learning in the classroom.

While most states don't require certification to work as an entry-level dental assistant, many states have requirements, including certification, that dental assistants must meet to perform specialized tasks, such as taking x-rays. Completing a dental care program is the best way to gain the knowledge and skills you'll need to succeed in this allied health field. Bentley-Camizzi, CDA, BSDH, MSEd, elected president of the American Association of Dental Assistants (ADAA). An associate degree is best for students who plan to use dental assistance as a springboard to other health-related functions.

Online dental assistance programs generally allow you to complete non-clinical online courses whenever you want, although you may have to attend some classes in person.

Stephen Mador
Stephen Mador

Proud bacon junkie. Incurable music specialist. Evil tv lover. Passionate social media practitioner. Unapologetic coffee ninja. Award-winning social media guru.

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