What Technology Do Dental Assistants Use?

Dental assistants provide patient care, take x-rays, keep records, and schedule appointments. To become a dental assistant, you must follow specific rules and protocols, such as infection control procedures. Dental assistants who don't have formal education in dental care can learn their roles through on-the-job training. The Dental Accreditation Commission (CODA), part of the American Dental Association, accredits about 250 training programs in dental care.

To become certified, dental assistants must have graduated from an accredited program or have a high school diploma and have completed the required amount of work experience. In the office, an experienced dental hygienist, dentist, or dental assistant teaches the new dental assistant the terminology, the names of the instruments, how to complete daily tasks, how to interact with patients, and other activities needed to help keep the dental office running smoothly. Students who complete the dental assistance program can expect to take the National Board of Dental Assistance (DANB) exam to become certified dental assistants (CDA). The dental assistance program at the Porter and Chester Institute in Connecticut and Massachusetts can prepare you to enter this exciting field in as little as nine months.

Dental assistants use a variety of tools and technology to help dentists provide quality care for their patients. The suction hose (also known as a saliva ejector or a saliva suction device) is used to keep the patient's mouth clean and dry. Technological advances have improved tools and instruments and created innovative computer software that make life easier for dental assistants. To learn more about dental care and how you can start a career in oral health, contact Arizona College.

For more information on becoming a dental assistant and for a list of accredited dental assistant programs, visit. Nancy Lawrence, CDA, EFDA, believes that dental assistants continue to assume additional functions in the office. Dental care is a constantly evolving profession, offering continuous opportunities to take on new challenges and learn new things.

Stephen Mador
Stephen Mador

Proud bacon junkie. Incurable music specialist. Evil tv lover. Passionate social media practitioner. Unapologetic coffee ninja. Award-winning social media guru.

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